The Unseen Forces Behind Tormenting Voices Revealed

I have come here to say that despite how hard your life is right now, that despite how horrible it looks, if you give your heart to the Lord, if you start reading your Bible, there is a miracle that will start happening in your life where everything that was against you, we still will start to vanish away little by little.

You will have a bunch of tests that you need to pass. And as you go through those exams, those tests that the law will give you, he will start removing all your enemies away from you. And this actually is from the Bible, beloved, but it's also from my personal life.

When I was in the world, when I was away from Jesus Christ, I thought I had conquered the world and I became a rich person, running multiple businesses at the same time. But all I found was the door to hell. And I opened that door and I went into that slide. And I actually was in hell because there was nothing that will satisfy me anymore. Regardless of my achievements, regardless of the things that I did, nothing will fulfill my heart. You see, so my, my blindness was so bad that I started hurting things that I loved the most. I started hurting everything that the Lord has given me to prosper me. And even worse, I started hurting the people that helped me get here.

I started hurting the people that loved me, my family, my wife, my kids, my coworkers, my employees, my business partners. Because I was in hell, and I thought everybody was against me. Without knowing that who really was against me was the demons led by Satan. The Bible says that we are not living in a normal war. We're not living in a war against flesh and blood. We are actually living in a spiritual war.

In the spiritual world, there is dark powers that wants your soul. And the angels that have been assigned to you, because beloved, you have angels assigned to you. It's biblical. It's in the Bible. These angels fight for your soul. They fight for you. But the problem is that they cannot fight if you are not in Jesus Christ. They cannot fight if you are not with the Lord.

Because you are the one who opens the door to the angels to help you by reading your holy Bible, but especially by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. And you are also the one who opens the door to Satan and his demons to attack you by committing sins, by desiring everything that comes from the flesh, by committing adultery, by saying lies, by doing fornication, by deceiving people, by stealing, by wishing the material possessions of your friends and your brothers and sisters. You are the one that opens the door to the enemy to attack you by falling into vices, by allowing yourself to get controlled by chemical substances, or by overeating.

Navigating life's journey requires acknowledging the spiritual warfare surrounding us. The challenges we encounter, the tests that stretch our faith, are not mere chance but part of a broader spiritual conflict. Yet, amidst this struggle, hope persists.

Embracing the Lord and His Word initiates a profound transformation. It's about aligning our hearts with His divine purpose, inviting His presence to lead and safeguard us. Surrendering to Christ sets in motion a miraculous journey of renewal.

Exploring the scriptures equips us with wisdom and resilience to confront life's trials. God's Word becomes a shield against the enemy's attacks, guiding us with unwavering truth. Each obstacle becomes an opportunity for God to reveal His power and faithfulness.

Nevertheless, this journey is not without its trials. The adversary seeks to sow doubt, fear, and temptation. Yet, standing firm in faith, holding fast to God's promises, reveals His intervention, thwarting the enemy's plans and paving the path to triumph.

From personal experience, I affirm that true fulfillment is found solely in Christ. Earthly pursuits offer fleeting satisfaction, leading only to emptiness. It's through a relationship with Jesus that our hearts discover genuine peace.

I implore you, dear friend, seize the promises of God. Open your heart to Christ, allowing His truth to permeate every aspect of your life. Embrace His Word's guidance and the protection of His heavenly hosts. In Him, you'll discover the strength to overcome every obstacle and the grace to walk in victory.

Written by David Mansilla


Bible study: Ezekiel chapters 14 to 16


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